College Lacrosse on the Clock

The use of shot clocks in lacrosse has picked up over the past couple of years. It started back in April of 2014 when the NCAA Lacrosse Rules Committee recommended all Division I lacrosse programs have shot clocks displayed on their fields by 2016 and Division II & III to have these clocks visible by […]

Matt Anderson on 9/27/2016

Categories: Pro Sports and Colleges

The use of shot clocks in lacrosse has picked up over the past couple of years. It started back in April of 2014 when the NCAA Lacrosse Rules Committee recommended all Division I lacrosse programs have shot clocks displayed on their fields by 2016 and Division II & III to have these clocks visible by 2017. The committee went on to recommend that schools use two clocks, one positioned at each end of the field. However, if a school only has one, it must be located at midfield.

This recommendation was later approved in the fall of 2014 by the NCAA Playing Rules and Oversight Panel. The reason they gave a such a long amount of time to have this mandated was to give schools an appropriate time-frame to budget for the expense and purchase these clocks.


Over the last few of months, Daktronics has noticed an increase in lacrosse shot clock purchases. This tells us many colleges are taking the necessary steps to ensure they are compliant by the 2017 season.

Daktronics has partnered with the Intercollegiate Men’s Lacrosse Coaches Association to provide new state-of-the-art LED shot clocks to ensure schools are meeting NCAA requirements.

The shot clocks are typically mounted on one vertical beam or pole, but can also be mounted on two beams or a four-wheeled cart. Some additional accessories include individual digit protection and advertising panels. Control options for these shot clocks include wired, wireless or handheld controllers.

Lacrosse Shot Clock Request Form