A Word about Content Studio

If you use Show Control – you are familiar with the “pencil in the upper right corner” aka Content Studio. Content Studio is a content compositor used to prepare content for Daktronics displays. For long-time Daktronics users, you may remember the days of creating content using the Sequence Designer in Venus 7000. Content Studio was […]

Daktronics Control Panel on 11/18/2015

Categories: Pro Sports and Colleges

Content StudioIf you use Show Control – you are familiar with the “pencil in the upper right corner” aka Content Studio. Content Studio is a content compositor used to prepare content for Daktronics displays. For long-time Daktronics users, you may remember the days of creating content using the Sequence Designer in Venus 7000. Content Studio was engineered to replace Sequence Designer, revealing a more user-friendly environment to build creative content.

When I train a user on Content Studio, I tell them that it’s a similar to a light mix of PowerPoint and Windows Movie Maker. It incorporates some of the common features of both of those programs into a unique compositing tool for building display-ready content. More importantly, Content Studio is the interface used to place real-time-data (RTD) on a display. Many users who show RTD prefer to design the content piece in a more formal design software such as Adobe Photoshop or After Effects, then import the “background” into Content Studio to add the real-time-data. This workflow allows for precise design and fine-tuning of the artwork while allowing for data to be formatted accordingly.

Here are tips to keep in mind when using Content Studio for building data presentations, sponsor loops, or listing group or birthday shout-outs:

  • While using Content Studio, the DMP (7000 or 8000) computer(s) must be on, connected, and operational. Content Studio opens and saves content ACORSS THE NETWORK on the respective player device.
  • Content Studio files are saved as a .VMPF (Venus Media Presentation File) and are only playable on Daktronics systems.
  • Time and Date fields may be inserted anywhere into a presentation. Various formats may be found under the Insert If the clock or calendar is showing incorrectly on the display, it needs to be set in the DMP computer (not from the Show Control).
  • Content Studio files have a maximum output size of 2 GB.
  • Custom fonts (True-type) may be added by installing them on all Show Control and DMP computers on your system.

For a generic overview of Content Studio, view this tutorial on our YouTube channel. Also, our Show Control Tips & Tricks video features some time-saving shortcuts when using the software.


This post was written by Adam- Daktronics Field Customer Trainer

This post was written by Adam- Daktronics Field Customer Trainer